Our Mission

Computer programming is a skill that can seem daunting at first. Without strong financial foundations, many youths are forced to avoid the Computer Science industry because they simply do not have the prior knowledge and resources. Furthermore, many schools across Canada and North America lack the resources to teach computer programming — Coding Pals hopes to bridge that gap. Coding Pals is a non-profit organization run by high school students originally based in Vancouver, British Columbia, that has since expanded to many cities across the nation. Coding Pals offers weekly coding classes and continues to be the sole non-profit organization in Vancouver that offers computer programming lessons at zero cost. Powered by passionate high-school students, Coding Pals is equipped with knowledgeable instructors and high-quality resources in hopes of empowering youth with opportunities to engage with Computer Science.


“I founded Coding Pals because I wanted to make computer programming more accessible to all students in Vancouver.  Even though programming is undeniably an important skill, it’s not really a focus of the curriculum at most schools which makes it difficult for those who cannot afford expensive extracurricular lessons to learn.”

- Kevin Guo, Co-Founder of Coding Pals Foundation

“I founded Coding Pals because I was simply frustrated with how unaccessible learning computer programming was in Vancouver. I hope through Coding Pals, kids can be exposed to this essential skill and obtain a solid foundation in computer programming. Computer Programming shouldn’t be a skill only accessible to the top 1%.

- Austin Ma, Co-Founder of Coding Pals Foundation



“Coding Pals has a unique take on online classes by providing free and interactive classes for students and creating an inclusive and fun environment.”

- Andrew Lu, Python Instructor, Fall 2020


“I liked this course because it introduced many new coding websites that have fun questions, and I feel like I learned a lot more operators. I especially enjoyed learning about lists.”

- Helena, Introduction to Python Programming Student Fall 2020


“I liked how we went over what to do in a certain situation and how we learned step by step so it was easy to follow. I thought coding was very hard at the beginning but now that I know more, it doesn’t seem as hard.”

- Jonathan, Introduction to Python Programming Fall 2020


“I liked that I got a better understanding for Python and how to use it. Before the course, I didn't know a single thing about Python. After the course, I knew how to use it.”

- Annie, Introduction to Python Programming Fall 2020


I loved this course! I came here with no Java experience, and now I have a great idea of how to use Java in simple codes.

- Yicheng, Introduction to Java Programming Summer 2021


Before the course, I barely knew any Python, but after I was able to solve a CCC problem.

- Arthur, Introduction to Python Programming Summer 2021